Saturday, December 17, 2005

Talking to celebs

Recently it seems as though I've been talking to a lot more celebs, and I have to say it's a bit strange. Yes, I realize they're just people, but it's a bit odd to be watching TV and get an email from the person you're watching on TV, or being a fan of an actor for years, then having a conversation with him.

The most recent "talking to celebs" incident features Kenny Hotz from "Kenny vs Spenny." I started talking to Kenny when I interviewed him back in July. He emailed me about a month ago and asked me to link to his website from the interview, and we've been chatting ever since. Kenny is also the creator/executive producer of the show, so it's nice to have access to someone like that for any questions I may have. I'm reviewing the set right now and I was able to send off a quick email to ask Kenny how the show was shot. A few minutes later I picked up the phone and called him (emails suck for any kind of discussion). What's Kenny like? Really cool guy; I'd hang out with him if I had the chance. We talked about the show, and how we wished the Canadian entertainment industry was more like the States. He also told me about his second movie, "The Papal Chase"; it sounds like something I'll have to check out. Want to know more about Kenny? Check out his website, and then check out the pilot of "Kenny vs. Spenny" on iFilm.


At December 18, 2005 1:51 AM, Blogger Conor said...

This is exciting... I will read.

Plus I'd like to be the first to point out what a stud Gord is

At December 18, 2005 4:46 AM, Blogger Heather Long said...

Congratulations on your blog. I'll be sure to check it out regularly. is a frequent stop on my daily round of web surfing. I encourage you to keep it up whether it's once a day or once a week!

I have met stars I've seen on television and it's always an interesting experience whether a fan of their work or not. When I was five and six years old, my mother knew Telly Savalas because he ate frequently where she worked in Universal City, California.

I have a small autograph book filled with autographs from people like Telly, Erik Estrada and more. I remember them as people now and not just as the guy on that show.

A few years ago, during work at conventions, I was very fortunate to meet Patrick Stewart, Michael Dorn, Marina Sirtis and George R.R. Martin. The fabulous thing about meeting the 'real thing' is that it gives you a chance to evaluate the person beyond the character or the acting ability, even if it's only a gut reaction.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with all of us who so enjoy the work you do!

Many kind regards,
Heather Long
Wylie, Tx

At December 18, 2005 8:58 AM, Blogger Gord Lacey said...

Yes, it's great to see the person behind the actor. When I was in LA this past November I met a number of actors. I was actually at one person's apartment because he shares it with my buddy. It was really cool just hanging out with the guy (who will remain nameless). Now that I know him as a person it'll be a bit strange to watch him on TV.

As for the autographs, I don't have any. I'm always in situations where it wouldn't be appropriate to ask for one. I started thinking about the whole autograph thing as well, and I decided that most people get them to prove they met someone, but I could care less if people don't think I met the person. We'll always have the memory; no one can take that away from us.

At December 18, 2005 10:10 AM, Blogger Gord Lacey said...

Dr Bombay,
Very cool celeb encounter!

The blog is already going about 10x better than the last one. I think I had 3 comments total :D

I decided to open up the comments to everyone, not just people already registered on blogger. We'll see if that was smart or not ;)

At December 18, 2005 10:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm curious, how is the Canadian entertainment business different? I have noticed that a lot of their shows have never showed up on DVD. One of my favorites, Da Vinci's Inquest has only the first season out on DVD, while the 8th season is currently on TV in Canada. I wish more seasons were on DVD. As well as other shows that I've liked from years past.

At December 18, 2005 12:20 PM, Blogger Gord Lacey said...

I'm curious, how is the Canadian entertainment business different?

It's a LOT smaller. If a show in Canada gets 1,000,000 viewers then it's on the front page of pretty much every entertainment section in the country. That means there's a much smaller market for Canadian shows coming to DVD. If a Canadian show makes it in the US then there's a much better chance we'll see it released on DVD.

I'm guessing "Da Vinci's Inquest" didn't sell enough copies for Alliance Atlantis to be interested in releasing season 2 on DVD.

At December 20, 2005 12:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of Canadian shows, they better release Charlie Jade on DVD some day soon or I will sock somebody in the eye mister!


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