Hey! We're On Wikipedia!
Nothing big; I just thought I'd share this!
I just found out that TVShowsOnDVD.com is an entry in Wikipedia now! Wow, cool. Wesley Mead - a British student who Gord and I enjoy talking to and can usually be found at the Home Theater Forum - wrote up the original entry, and tonight I flushed it out a bit with more info and history.
It's very neat to find our site listed there, and y'all be sure to go take a look! I don't know why I even checked to look it up; it was just a whim. :)
Ah, I wondered if you guys had seen that - glad you've been able to flesh it out with some extra info!
Congratulations, you are now part of the Matrix!
Great news about the wikipedia entry! TSoD greatly deserves to be there.
And this is a little off topic but a quote from Gord can be found in imdb.com's recent Studio Briefing, under the heading "Market for TV DVDs Leveling Off, Says Study," just so you know...
Wooo, I made it onto IMDB!!
Okay...now I need to blog that...
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