Tuesday, March 20, 2007


I wanted to let everyone know that "Premonition" is a very, very, very horrible movie! I saw the previews and thought it looked okay, and my girlfriend showed interest in seeing it, so we went on Sunday afternoon. Wow, what a waste of time and money. It wasn't that this was a bad movie, it was the worst movie I've seen in the past few years, and I've seen many bad movies.

Here's the concept of the movie (taken from the trailers): Sandra Bullock's husband dies, but she wakes up the next day and he's alive, only to find him dead the day after. Her days jump around, and she tries to piece together what happened so she can save his life. Spoilers here Only problem is the day-jumping isn't explained at all! They don't even TRY to explain why it happened!! End of spoilers. The script is FULL of inconsistencies with the time-line - it's sickening. Sure, Sandra Bullock is good in this, but wow, what a horrible, horrible, horrible movie!

Seriously people, please don't waste your time with this. I rarely feel so strongly about a movie, but this thing isn't worth your time or money, whether you see it in the theaters or wait for it on DVD, it just isn't worth it.



At March 20, 2007 5:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Call it a hunch if you like, but I had a premonition that this film would be bad...

At March 21, 2007 7:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks. This movie didn't look like something I'd like, but I was considering seeing it since I love Sandra Bullock.

At March 23, 2007 4:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the heads up... I wanted to see this one... but now I will hold off and wait for it to come on cable so I don't have to pay anythig extra to see it. A shame... I was looking forward to a new Sandra Bullock movie... I am a huge fan!

At March 26, 2007 3:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You didn't need to tell me not to watch a Sandra Bullock movie. I already knew.

At March 27, 2007 12:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i was dispointed by the ending :(

spoiler here

i thought the husband really would've lived..i saw another movie with him like this and the guy ended up living.. so i was expecting him to live..

end spoiler...

i love julian!!!!!

At April 01, 2007 10:37 PM, Blogger Jebb said...

You get the sense that the movie wanted to be more … I'm thinking the scene in which the clergyman talks to her about the unexplained … but then completely abandons it. And it's such a cliche for the family, doctor, etc. to become suspicious of the heroine in peril.

At April 03, 2007 9:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well did GroundHog day ever explain the reason for the repeating day thing in that? It doesn't have matter if the movie is good.

At April 04, 2007 4:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you blog entries on tv guide always going to be 3 paragraphs becuase i am not going to bother if thats it every week

i only post this here because you have to sign up to that site

At April 04, 2007 5:15 PM, Blogger Gord Lacey said...

No tver, they won't always be 3 paragraphs. Sometimes they'll be longer, and sometimes they'll be shorter. In case you haven't guessed, one of the regular posts will be the "Pick of the Week," and those will be somewhat shorter pieces just talking about the best release that week.

I'm also planning to put up a recap of the previous weeks news on Mondays; you may want to skip that day since it could be fewer than 3 paragraphs.

I'll be covering other topics on the blog, and those will very likely be longer than 3 paragraphs. I've been working very hard on keeping TVShowsOnDVD.com up to date (I added 70 releases to the site in one day - that got very behind!) along with the added work that TV Guide has given me, so I'm sorry if you're annoyed by my 3 paragraphs talking about the pick of the week. If you don't feel like wasting your time reading the blog, don't worry, I'll get over it pretty quickly.

Hey, look at that! You just got a 4 paragraph response to your 2 paragraph question.


At April 10, 2007 4:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was very confusing (kind of like the lakehouse) and it was dumb.

At April 15, 2007 1:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I need to disagree. I actually liked this movie. It started off slow, but then picked up... SPOILER...

Especially, when she starts to map out the diffrent time lines. this is not used a lot. But do this as a viewer. Track the diffrent time lines. See how the starting point does not exist as the story continues. The other time lines effect what each other.

If you like time "traveling" stories, this is great.

I would say this. Save this movie for DVD. I mentioned the time line the main character creates. Do this as a viewer. it is fun to watch how each time line effects the other.

Finally, did anyone else notice the 2 early scenes were the Bullock character was smoking. It looks like they tried to cut around it. So you never see her smoke, but you can tell she was.

At April 15, 2007 1:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh by the way. they tried to explaine the time traveling thing. an act of god. Bullock learns about other events in time when she meets with a priest.

At May 12, 2007 12:47 AM, Blogger TBE said...

Really it's that bad? The previews at their website looked good! I was looking forward to this movie. love anything that has to do with the time/space continuum and time travel and changing the past to alter the future, those are all real cool concepts! Well too bad, I missed it but I skipped your spoilers. I'll wait for the DVD or something. Thanks for the heads up! :)

At May 21, 2007 8:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I did enjoy this movie. It was told from her perspective of being confused and trying desperately to figure out what she was experiencing.

If you enjoy shows like Medium and Ghost Whisperer, you should enjoy this movie. You just have to keep in mind that Bullock's character had no clue what was happening to her and she had to figure it out as she went along.

At June 06, 2007 10:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At August 02, 2007 5:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

WooW =)


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