Baby Birds!
Since Gord shared his lightning photo, I thought I'd share my baby birds with you all. About a month or two ago we noticed that a bird's nest had been built under our front porch. We wondered if there were eggs in it, but decided not to peek in lest we scare the mama bird away from wanting to keep up with her babies. There was no bird poop on our porch to speak of until about a week or so ago, and when that started appearing we started thinking, "Oh geez; we're probably going to have to call somebody to move this nest before things get unsanitary around here."
Well, before I got around to making phone calls to explore that, the eggs hatched! So I managed to peek out my door this past Sunday and take a few shots before mama bird got nervous at the sound of my camera going off (it's not that loud, but she reacted to each and every shot I took, so I can only assume her hearing's good enough to catch it and make her freak out a bit).
Above is a shot of the baby birds themselves. You can see about 5 heads popping out of there easily, and I'm sure there's at least 6 babies in the nest. Click on that pic to go to my newly-minted Flickr account, and there are two additional shots that show the mama bird as well.
Oh, and the mess on the front porch is growing. Had to hose it off the other day, and it's already almost half the size it was before I hosed it. I may have to relocate the birds and nest and all. Any advice on who to call? I want the birds to be happy and safe and all, but I can't have feces on my doorstep, of course. Is there a humane (and inexpensive) organization that I can call to help relocate them somewhere better? Anyone know? Any bird-lovers out there?